Rocket Trophy Provides Launch Pad for StartUp Winner
The international competition Pitch Your StartUp puts the spotlight on the hottest, most innovative start-up businesses in the tech world. Part of the ICT Spring international technology summit organised by Farvest, the competition is in its 5th year and attracted a record 347 entries from 49 countries this May. A wealth of attractive monetary and business support prizes was put up by sponsors plus a formidable rocket themed trophy, manufactured by Special EFX.
The Luxembourg based fledgling company Apla made the headlines of the competition, winning not only the Fintech and RegTech category and €20,000 but also the Docler Holding cross-categories cash prize of €50,000 and the inimitable rocket themed trophy.
A themed trophy that has unique value and is on-message
The red and silver rocket makes a powerful statement and a unique accolade for Apla. Cast in acrylic the rocket is depicted blasting off from the polished nickel plated platform, an image that mirrors the trajectory of the company and its anticipated high-velocity growth track.
There are four main categories in the PYSU competition encompassing, finance and legal, artificial intelligence, smart living and cybersecurity. A short-list of successful entries is drawn-up and invited to present their pitch to the jury, before the ultimate winners are decided.